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June 2023

The automotive sector is experiencing an era of remarkable transformation. This shift is being propelled by the surge in electric vehicles (EVs), the growing demand for ride-hailing and car sharing services, and the increasing emphasis on sustainability.
June 7, 2023

The automotive industry is undergoing an era of transformation. Unprecedented changes are occurring as the use electric vehicles (EVs) grows, ride-hailing services and car sharing soar in popularity, and the emphasis on sustainability grows stronger.

These changes are putting pressure on automotive manufacturers and suppliers to reduce costs and improve efficiency. In order to come out ahead, companies need to be able to adapt to these changes and find new ways to operate.

Key Points from Recent Automotive Trends

Recent articles from major automotive players highlight the challenges facing the automotive industry. These challenges include:

  • The rise of EVs: The rise of EVs is putting pressure on traditional automakers to invest in new technologies and manufacturing processes.
  • The increasing popularity of ride-hailing and car sharing: The increasing popularity of ride-hailing and car sharing services is reducing the demand for personal vehicles.
  • The growing focus on sustainability: The growing focus on sustainability is putting pressure on automakers to reduce their environmental impact.

These challenges are forcing automakers to rethink their business models and operations. In order to come out ahead, automakers need to be able to adapt to these changes and find new ways to operate.

How JAS Can Help

JAS can help automakers and suppliers navigate these challenges in a number of ways, including:

  • Reducing costs: JAS can help automotive manufacturers and suppliers reduce costs by providing efficient and cost-effective transportation solutions. Leveraging its extensive global network of partners and resources, JAS empowers automotive manufacturers and suppliers to efficiently transport parts and components.
  • Improving efficiency: JAS can help automotive manufacturers and suppliers improve efficiency by providing warehousing and logistics solutions. JAS has a network of secure warehouses around the world that can store parts and components until they are needed. JAS can also help companies manage their inventory and optimize their supply chains.
  • Meeting sustainability goals: JAS can help automotive manufacturers and suppliers meet sustainability goals by providing sustainable transportation and green logistics solutions. JAS has a number of initiatives in place to reduce its environmental impact, and can help its clients do the same.

Together, we can drive success in the changing automotive industry!

JAS Hong Kong team members attend awards ceremony.
June 22, 2023
Asia Pacific

JAS Hong Kong is delighted to share that it has been honored with the prestigious 2023 HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia award. This recognition is a testament to the great teamwork and unwavering effort demonstrated by our exceptional team, highlighting our commitment to fostering an exceptional working environment.

The HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia Awards is a highly regarded program that acknowledges organizations identified by their employees as Asia's employers of choice. It celebrates companies with outstanding HR practices, employee engagement, and excellent workplace cultures. This award attracts applications from diverse companies across Asia, including Fortune 500 companies, multinational corporations, and government-linked organizations.

Commenting on this achievement, Marco Civardi, CEO of JAS China, emphasized the pivotal role played by people within the organization: "People Make the Difference—at JAS, people are the driving force behind our growth, success, and the creation of a better working world. That's why we are committed to building safe, diverse, and inclusive workplaces where everyone can thrive."

While JAS Hong Kong takes great pride in this recognition, it understands that the journey toward creating an exceptional working environment is an ongoing endeavor. With an unwavering dedication to excellence, the team remains committed to continuously striving to improve the work experience and the fulfillment of all its employees.

JAS India celebrated the successful Grand Opening of its new office in Pune on June 2nd, 2023.
June 28, 2023
Asia Pacific

JAS India is thrilled to announce the successful Grand Opening of its new facility in Pune on June 2nd, 2023. This milestone marks the establishment of Pune as an independent branch which is an integral part of the West India Region. Additionally, it further expand its footprint while reinforcing its commitment to be in front of its customers and provide exceptional services.

The Grand Opening ceremony was a momentous occasion for JAS India, as it brought together both customers and JAS colleagues from across the Western Region. They were also joined by Stefano Olmi, the Vice President of Sales & Marketing Asia Pacific, who performed the ribbon-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the official inauguration of the new office.

"We are immensely proud to inaugurate our brand-new facility in Pune," said Sonal Singhal, Managing Director of JAS India. "This expansion signifies a significant milestone in JAS India's growth journey, and we are grateful to our customers and colleagues who have played a vital role in making this possible."

Looking ahead, the team is confident that the new office will further strengthen its position as a leading logistics provider in the market. With a focus on continuous improvement and customer-centricity, JAS India will continue to invest in its people, processes, and technology to deliver innovative solutions that exceed expectations.