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Seizing Opportunities: How Maria Paula Eslava Turned Moments into Milestones

July 17, 2024
Maria Paula Eslava
Maria Paula Eslava

Maria Paula Eslava's family owned a freight forwarding company in Colombia, but she felt her true passion lay elsewhere. While her parents moved to the United States, Maria chose to stay behind, determined to carve her own path. She pursued a degree in Marketing and Advertising, dreaming of one day working at a prestigious advertising agency in New York City.

While working through university, she joined the family business, taking a position in the Sales Department. Though it wasn't her chosen field, Maria approached the role with dedication and a positive attitude, viewing it as a stepping stone towards her ultimate goal.

That's when fate stepped in.

From sales, then to procurement and finance, she started learning more about the intricacies of the industry and quickly found that she loved operations—she knew very early on, that was her sweet spot. "I'm a natural problem-solver and I love customer service. I believe sales brings the customer, but its operations that maintains the customer."

For the next few years, she grew her knowledge and worked her way up to Operations Manager. The family business was growing just as fast at Maria's skills and love for the industry. So, when JAS officially purchased her parent's organization—making it JAS Colombia, shortly after, Adrian Emmenegger, Executive Vice President, Americas, presented her with the opportunity to lead JAS Colombia as its Managing Director.

"I was very young. I was probably one of the youngest, and I was the only woman. I was very excited, but I also knew it would be a big undertaking and I would be doing some things I had never done before." To no one's surprise, Maria flourished in this role, and she looked inward to see where she really wanted to take her career. "For a long time, I kept telling myself I would start over and pursue my dream in advertising. But when I finally acknowledged my love for the industry I was working in, and decided to put both feet in the water—I saw the results right away." Maria doubled down and earned her Executive MBA, and even focused her graduation case writing on the industry experience. She reaped the benefits of fully stepping into the moment she was in.

Shortly after this decision, fate stepped in again, and she was given the opportunity to move to the United States to manage the Miami Branch—leading her to another opportunity, where she would meet new challenges, she had never met before. Maria wasn't a stranger to unknown circumstances and knew exactly what she needed to do to succeed, "When approaching the unknown, I know when to ask for help and combine it with my adaptability. I learn from others and build teams by surrounding myself with those who are passionate and know more than I do."

Now in her new role, in a new country, Maria reflects on her leadership journey and how far she's grown. "When I started out, I was very controlling, but I soon realized that it was not beneficial for me or my team. Years of building trust helped me to change my approach."

In Miami, Maria focuses on fostering inclusion and ensuring her team stays the course. "Now instead of micromanaging, I give clear directions and build the roadmap, together, with my team." In a branch where there are over 15 different nationalities represented in just 45 employees, empathy and understanding play a key role in Maria's success as branch manager.

"What truly motivates me every morning is the constant opportunity to learn. I strive to approach things differently and think outside the box. I owe everything to the opportunities that JAS has given me, consistently supporting my professional career while understanding my role as a mother of two young men, who are my driving force and daily strength. In an industry typically led by men, JAS has always made me feel valued, safe, and secure."

Maria's unplanned career in logistics is a testament to the growth opportunities that JAS creates and the accomplishments that can come with them—if you just lean in. Her journey from reluctance to embrace the family business to becoming a respected leader in the industry illustrates the power of adaptability, perseverance, and a willingness to learn. Maria's story is a reminder that the paths we initially resist can lead to the most rewarding destinations. By seizing the opportunities presented to her and fully committing to her roles, she has achieved remarkable success and continues to inspire those around her.

Lead with Passion: Bettina Ramcke's Approach to Work, Community, and Life

June 17, 2024
Bettina Ramcke, Global Director of Business Implementation at JAS Worldwide
Bettina Ramcke, Global Director of Business Implementation at JAS Worldwide

As the Global Director of Business Implementation at JAS Worldwide, Bettina has navigated the world of logistics with determination and a commitment to making a difference. Her involvement with The Sandy Springs Mission, a local nonprofit supported by The Bruni Foundation, JAS’s philanthropy aimed at enriching local communities, exemplifies her dedication to uplifting her team and those around her.

Bettina originally worked in the hospitality industry. Her path took a turn when she started helping with her family’s forwarding company, marking her introduction to logistics. This experience paved the way for her move to Australia, where she utilized her multilingual abilities and industry knowledge to support logistics for the Sydney Olympic Games. Over the next 15 years, Bettina worked diligently to hone her skills and expertise.

After a hiatus to recover from burnout, Bettina reentered the workforce, joining JAS to continue developing the business implementation structure. “I took two years off because I was burned out and I told myself, “I’m not going back to this industry, but what made me reconsider, was looking at JAS’s values and its commitment to giving back to the environment, and to communities. That was very important to me.”

Bettina’s ability to navigate this demanding field is rooted in her passion for logistics and her belief in the importance of being driven by what you love.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Bettina’s heart is equally invested in community service. For the past 5 years, she has volunteered with non-profit organizations in Jamaica and with The Sandy Springs Mission, an Atlanta-based nonprofit dedicated to providing Latino students of all ages with the resources needed to lead a successful life during and after high school.

With the support of The Bruni Foundation, JAS’s philanthropic arm, Bettina has been instrumental in fostering a partnership that promises tangible benefits for local Atlanta children.

One of Bettina’s key initiatives is enhancing the Mission’s sports program for elementary and middle school students. She believes that exposure to different sports can significantly boost children’s confidence and encourage lifelong participation. “Enhancing the sports program will allow the kids to grow their confidence in joining their school’s sport teams, which would help in better life habits and could lead to future college scholarships” Bettina explains. This initiative is part of a broader one-year partnership with The Sandy Springs Mission, backed by a grant from The Bruni Foundation. The funding allows for the support of various sports programs, like improving the quality of the baseball camps, adding an introduction to volleyball, basketball and tennis sessions during the summer and after-school activities, and also provide sports gear. Bettina emphasizes that volunteering with the organization doesn’t always have to be signing up for week-long camps or committing long-hours, noting that volunteers can play a critical role just by volunteering for 1-2 hours during a camp or even helping parents translate and fill out paperwork.

Bettina Ramcke’s story is one of passion, and a commitment to making a difference. Whether through her work in logistics or her efforts with The Sandy Springs Mission, she exemplifies how dedication to both career and community can lead to meaningful impact. As she continues to lead with passion, Bettina remains a powerful example of how one person’s commitment can inspire widespread change and foster community growth.

If you’re in the Atlanta area and feel drawn to the purpose of The Sandy Springs Mission, find out more opportunities to volunteer today!

Jenna Naylor: A Shining Example of JAS's "Homegrown" Talent 

May 14, 2024
Jenna Naylor
Jenna Naylor

Meet Jenna Naylor, a luminary at JAS Charleston, whose journey from a customs entry writer to an award-winning business development manager represents the boundless opportunities for growth within JAS. 

Jenna's path into logistics was more serendipitous than planned. Initially set on a career in journalism, envisioning herself as a frontline reporter or news anchor, she pursued this track through her college studies. However, a pivotal moment a month before graduation saw her reevaluating her aspirations. "I understood the communications industry, I had success in my work in college, but I didn't want to be a reporter anymore," she reflects. So, in what many can describe as "typical Jenna fashion," she embraced change and dared herself to explore new uncharted waters, literally.  

As fate would have it, her first post-college interview landed her a role at a logistics company, where she started as an ocean import specialist. After mastering this role in 1 year, she eagerly transitioned to export, driven by her innate thirst for new challenges.  

In 2014, Jenna joined JAS as a customs entry writer, eventually expanding her responsibilities to manage the Charleston branch's air imports while also diving into the intricacies of the quoting process. Her growing expertise across various domains fueled her hunger for growth. "I had worked in customs entry writing, ocean import, ocean export, air import, and quoting. So, I asked myself again, what can I do next?" 

Fueled by her desire to tackle new challenges, Jenna set her sights on sales, leveraging her deep understanding of JAS's services. Her dedication was unmistakable as she pursued and earned her customs brokerage license, underscoring both her ambition and JAS's commitment to nurturing internal talent. She continued her path of success, earning new business and slowly growing her client base.  

In a proactive sales approach, Jenna launched the #JavawithJenna series on LinkedIn, leveraging her communication background to attract new audiences and generate leads, flipping the traditional cold-calling approach on its head. 

Now, in her newly acquired role as the Head of Country Sales for the Automotive Vertical, Jenna continues her quest for growth, always seeking the next challenge to conquer.  

In her nearly ten years at JAS, Jenna has flourished in an environment that she describes as eclectic and welcoming—a true melting pot of diverse backgrounds and perspectives. She credits the unique culture of JAS for fostering an environment where collaboration and growth thrive.  

Jenna's leadership style is marked by patience—a quality she believes is integral to navigating the complexities of the logistics industry. Her mentor, Brandon Miller, Vice President of Automotive Sales - Americas, has played a pivotal role in shaping her journey, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and passion in achieving success. 

Looking ahead, Jenna's focus is on expanding the automotive vertical, a challenge she embraces with enthusiasm, of course. She finds fulfillment in the dynamic nature of logistics, a field that demands constant learning and adaptability. Her advice to aspiring salespeople echoes her own journey: always be closing, challenge yourself to grow, and find joy both in and outside of work. 

Jenna Naylor's story embodies the spirit of Women@JAS, showcasing not just her individual achievements but also the collective strength and support that define the JAS culture. Congratulations, Jenna, on your well-deserved recognition as JAS USA's 2023 Salesperson of the Year and the #1 Global Business Development Manager Earner. Your journey inspires us all to reach greater heights and embrace every opportunity for growth. 

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