News & Insights from JAS Worldwide Compliance

JAS Forwarding (USA), Inc.

6165 Barfield Road
Atlanta GA, 30328
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JAS USA Compliance Insights

JAS Attended Events

JAS USA Compliance Insights on the Impact of COVID-19

JAS On The Move
July 3, 2024
JAS Forwarding (USA) Inc. Compliance team members (pictured right to left) Laurie Arnold (NCBFAA Secretary) and Leah Ellis (NCBFAA Legislative Committee Chair)

JAS Forwarding (USA) Inc. Compliance team members Laurie Arnold (NCBFAA Secretary) and Leah Ellis (NCBFAA Legislative Committee Chair) attended the quarterly NCBFAA board meetings in DC discussing Ecommerce, PGA’s, transportation, and customs issues.

Laurie Arnold has served as the Treasurer for the NCBFAA and was recently elected as the new Secretary of the NCBFAA. Seen on the far left in this photo.

JAS Forwarding (USA) Inc. VP Compliance Laurie Arnold (Secretary NCBFAA) and Leah Ellis, Compliance Manager (NCBFAA Legislative Chair) attended the NCBFAA annual conference in Ft Lauderdale in April.

The National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America (NCBFAA) headquartered in Washington, DC metro area, represents many companies in international trade, including the nations’ leading freight forwarders, customs brokers, ocean transportation intermediaries (OTIs), NVOCCs and air cargo agents.  NCBFAA is at the forefront of trade related topics in Washington DC and around the United States.  The NCBFAA members handle 97% of the entries for goods imported into the United States.  Further, members operating as OTIs are involved with approximately 80-85% of all exports from the United States.

Laurie Arnold has served as the Treasurer for the NCBFAA and was recently elected as the new Secretary of the NCBFAA.  Seen on the far left in this photo, Laurie is contributing on a panel discussing “Liquidated damages, penalties, and other CBP fan mail.”  Also on the panel was US Customs FP&F Director Lisa Santana Fox.  She discussed the new Customs portal for mitigation request submissions.  Laurie helped facilitate constructive discussion with the membership on the process and timelines of mitigation requests.

Leah Ellis serves as the NCBFAA Legislative Committee Chair.  In this capacity, Leah works closely with the legislative committee advisor for the NCBFAA.  The NCBFAA Legislative Committee works with legislators in Washington to advance positions of the trade community.  Seen on the left in this photo, Leah was discussing Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) bill HR4986 and the end China de minimis bill HR7979.  The panel also discussed and answered questions pertaining to the passing and signing of the Customs Business Fairness Act.

Pictured in the photo from left to right are Scott Cassell, Antonio Pastrana (JASBM-Laredo), Lindsay Gambee (JAS Regional Sales Dir SW), Helga Acosta (JAS BDM-HGC), Ernest Osei (JASBM- Dallas), and Curtis Corley (JAS BDM-DAL).

JAS Forwarding (USA) Inc.’s Compliance Project Manager, Scott Cassell, spent some time in Texas in the month of April facilitating Incoterms training on behalf of clients. Scott was also invited to speak at the ATX Trade Compliance Round Table Luncheon in Austin, TX.  The event was attended by numerous trade professionals from Austin and the surrounding area.

Pictured in the photo from left toright are Scott Cassell, Antonio Pastrana (JASBM-Laredo), Lindsay Gambee (JASRegional Sales Dir SW), Helga Acosta (JAS BDM-HGC), Ernest Osei (JASBM-Dallas), and Curtis Corley (JAS BDM-DAL).

JAS is On The Move

JASVP Compliance, Laurie Arnold attended the CBP Trade Facilitation and Cargo Security Summit in Philadelphia, PA from March 26 through March 28, 2024.  The US Customs Trade Facilitation & Cargo Security Summit in Philadelphia addressed updates on ACE 2.0, continuing education, and ecommerce.

Also, JAS’ own Scott Cassell, Corporate Compliance Project Manager attended the Commerce Department’s BIS Update Conference on Export Controls and Policy in Washington DC from March 27 through March 29, 2024.  A wide variety of topics related to US export controls were updated by members of the Commerce Department and related agencies involved in export controls.


JAS employees were on the move in September as Compliance Project Manager Scott Cassell and Miami FTZ Administrator Ivel Martinez attended the National Association of Foreign-Trade Zones “Celebrating 50 Years of NAFTZ” conference held in Miami on September 10 to 13. JAS operates foreign trade zones (FTZ) in both Charleston, SC and Miami, FL and the conference was a great opportunity for the JAS team to stay abreast of the current issues and regulatory changes affecting FTZ’s.

The entire JAS compliance team also meet on September 19 and 20 at the JAS headquarters in Atlanta for their annual meeting. Led by Vice President of Compliance Laurie Arnold this year’s theme was “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success!”. Various topics were discussed and strategies for the coming year were formulated.

Laurie Arnold Speaks at NCBFAA 50th Annual Conference

Laurie Arnold, JAS Vice President of Compliance and the NCBFAA Treasurer, spoke on the panel "Past, Present, & Future" at the National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association's (NCBFAA) 50th annual conference in New Orleans.  Pulling out her "crystal ball," Laurie speculated on what the future work environment might look like considering the ongoing development of Artificial Intelligence and chat apps.  The panel also discussed the environmental benefits of remote work and the potential danger of cyberattacks on business, power grids and the water supply.

TSA Joined Forces with AIFBA

On Oct 18th,  TSA joined forces with Atlanta International Forwarders & Brokers Association (AIFBA) to put together a much needed “Aviation Air Cargo Industry” Day in Morrow GA.  The line-up of speakers included officials from CBP, TSA, FAA, BIS and more. This sold-out event included attendees ranging from Forwarders, Brokers, Truckers, Airlines, Screening Facilities, Canine companies and more. With over 30 GOV officials in the room, attendees were able to easily connect and get much needed answers to numerous industry concerns regarding today’s air cargo sector. As a first-time event, it was a huge success and will likely become an annual affair.  As a sponsor, JAS Forwarding’s Sommer Sampson (TSA Program Manager/IACSC) spearheaded this event along with ATL Brokers Association, Local ATL TSA, and various other sponsors.

Laurie Arnold (VP Compliance), and Leah Ellis (Compliance Operations Manager) posing with their awards

From September 18th-20th, Laurie Arnold, VP Compliance and Leah Ellis, Compliance Operations Manager, attended NCBFAA’s annual Government Affairs Conference (GAC) in Washington, DC. There they met with several Congressional members to discuss international trade industry issues. They also worked on the Seafood Import Monitoring Program bill (SIMP), the Customs Business Fairness Act and the new Customs Modernization Update. Laurie and Leah also received awards for their hard work and dedication for their past year’s efforts as the legislative and PAC committee chairs.

Pictured L-R: Joshua Foster-DFW Transportation Security Inspector (TSI), Brad Foster-DFW TSI, Nicholas Rubin-GK9 handler, James Bates-DFW TSI, Margaret Christian-JAS Corporate TSA Alternate Security Coordinator, Sommer Sampson-JAS Corporate TSA Primary Security Coordinator, Michael Scholz-DFW Gateway Manager, Jeanette Dilone-DFW Export Manager

Over the past few months, Sommer Sampson (TSA IACSC) & Margaret Christian (TSA A-IACSC) have been traveling to help implement additional screening facilities to new and current JAS locations.  

Air cargo screening demands continue to be on the rise since the ICAO 100% Screening Mandate of all outbound Air Cargo in 2021.  To enhance customer demands, JAS TSA Compliance successfully rolled out 3 new Certified Cargo Screening Facilities (CCSF’s), with 2 more additional openings being planned for the near future.  These new facilities (located in Houston, Chicago, and Los Angeles) will add flexibility and increased options for our customers during the ever-increasing challenges that the industry continues to navigate. JAS longtime partner, Global K9 Protection Group (GK9PG) helps to make this happen by using canine as the primary screening method. JAS is also one of the few Indirect Air Carriers (IACs) approved to accept and handle Impracticable to Screen (ITS) cargo, giving us even more flexibility in our offerings to customers.

While heightened screening demands continue to challenge the industry, JAS is confident and ready due to our (now) 8 CCSF locations, multiple methods of screening, and years of experience in the Certified Cargo Screening Program (CCSP).  If you would like to learn more please contact compliance@jas.com

L-R Laurie Arnold, Amy Magnus Sr. Counsel, JD Gonzales, President NCBFAA and Victoria Lane, VP NCBFAA

Recently, Laurie Arnold, JAS VP Compliance and the Treasurer for NCBFAA, attended the 8th annual NEI Global Trade Educational Conference (GTEC). The event took place at the historic InterContinential Chicago Magnificent Mile hotel, hosted by the NCBFAA Educational Institute (NEI). Laurie attended presentations on many different subjects, including forced labor, 301 tariffs, CBP updates, binding rulings, and trade remedies. The event had many networking opportunities to connect with other members in the industry. The NEI offers multiple learning and educational opportunities. If you would like to learn more about these types of events, you can subscribe to NEI news and updates from the NCBFAA site.

(L to R) Leah Ellis, JAS Compliance Operations Manager, & Laurie Arnold, VP Compliance, stand in front of the World Trade Bridge on their trip to Laredo, Texas

Last month, Laurie Arnold, VP Compliance, and Leah Ellis, Compliance Operations Manager, went on a trip to Laredo, TX to visit our LRD branch. They spent part of their week in the Laredo office, discussing compliance topics and JAS policies on statements, training, auditing, and duty payments with branch Customs Broker Gustavo Aldrete and the import team.

On July 12th, Laurie and Leah braved the record-breaking high temperatures to visit the World Trade International bridge that spans Laredo, TX and Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas on the Northern Mexican border. Here they developed a better understanding of the border crossing process and got to watch the cargo trucks as they brought their shipments into and out of the country.

Towards the end of their trip, they celebrated Branch Manager Antonio Pastrana’s birthday and enjoyed some cake with the Laredo team. 

JAS on the Move
October 1, 2021

Our very own Laurie Arnold, Vice President Compliance for JAS Forwarding USA Inc. was a guest speaker at the National Customs Brokers & Freight Forwarders Association of America, Government Affairs Conference in Washington DC on Sept 21. She spoke on the Customs Business Fairness Act HR 4816 bill that she as the NCBFAA Legislative Committee Chair has been championing to become permanent.  This bill would protect Customs Brokers from having to reach into their pocket and pay customs duties to the court for redistribution due to the 90-day claw back bankruptcy law.  The customs broker would have collected that customs duty from the importer and already paid it to US Customs. If the importer files bankruptcy the broker must pay that money back if in the 90-day period but US Customs would keep the funds already paid.


Laurie Arnold and Leah Ellis of Corporate Compliance at JAS Forwarding attended the NCBFAA annual conference and provided their committee reports at the annual meeting.  The NCBFAA conference is an annual event that brings together more than 600 international trade representatives from across the United States to discuss trade affairs.


Congress has included the Customs Business Fairness Act on Dec. 21 as part of the latest coronavirus relief package that changes the way U.S. bankruptcy law is applied to customs brokers when importers become insolvent. Under the current law, a customs broker may be ordered by the bankruptcy trustee to give back the duty paid to it by the insolvent importer during the past 90 days. It does not matter to the bankruptcy trustee whether that money has already been paid to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to cover import duties.

The provisions amend various sections of the Bankruptcy Code on a temporary basis to provide additional relief to customs brokerage businesses directly impacted by COVID-19 pandemic.

Laurie Arnold, Regulatory Officer of JAS Forwarding USA Corporate Compliance, along with Whitmer and Worrall, led the NCBFAA's latest lobbying effort to include the bankruptcy bill in the latest COVID-19 relief legislation.  Congratulations Laurie and everyone that helped to make this happen!

JAS is on the Move!
August 5, 2020
Free Lunch for Truck Drivers Initiative in Virginia

Acts of kindness are contagious!!  After seeing a similar initiative to feed truckers in Atlanta the broker’s association in Virginia decided to follow through with a similar initiative!  CBIFFA (organization Customs Brokerage and International Freight Forwarding of Virginia) led by JAS Compliance USA Team Member Tiffany Coffey provided 100 free lunch boxes, water, and snacks to truck drivers.  It was their way of saying thank you to drivers for being on the front-line servicing logistics needs in the middle of a pandemic!  Way to go Tiffany and the CBIFFA team in Virginia!


The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is the trade agreement that is scheduled to replace NAFTA and enter into force effective July 1, 2020.  JAS USA Compliance held a webinar to discuss an overview of the trade agreement and provided resources and helpful information regarding the implementation of the agreement.  To listen to the audio of the webinar and access the certification template form, please visit our website by clicking HERE!


In March 2019, JAS Forwarding Miami Branch was very pleased to have MSA Security on site for a live demo of their canine screening process.  The 3PK9 Security Program allows airlines and freight forwarders to utilize private sector canine teams as a primary screening method.  Essentially, reducing time and cost compared to other screening procedures.

Read More on the Live Demo
JAS is On the Move
March 5, 2020

Laurie Arnold presented to the Atlanta International Forwarders and Brokers Association (AIFBA) a legislative update on the HR2261 Bankruptcy Bill, the section 301 tariff and an update on the USMCA that will replace NAFTA.  Laurie is actively engaged in local organizations is committed to working with National Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarding Association (NCBFAA) diligently to get Bill HR2261 passed into law.


JAS USA Compliance Members visit Savannah Port

Laurie Arnold (Regulatory Compliance Officer) and Leah Ellis (Corporate Compliance Specialist) of JAS USA Compliance attended a port tour at the Savannah Port with other leaders of the NCBFAA.  They were able to get an up-close and personal view of vessel operations and learned about the new and exciting plans for the port’s rail and vessel operations!


Laurie Arnold, Regulatory Compliance Officer of JAS Forwarding and Legislative Committee Chair for NCBFAA, attended a meeting organized by NCBFAA at Senator Lindsay Graham’s office in Washington DC.  The meeting was to discuss the bankruptcy bill (HR2261 currently in the house with 25 Congressional co-sponsors) and to try to get the Senate version underway.  She is diligently working with industry professionals on the bill in an attempt to get it passed into law.


​Laurie Arnold of JAS Worldwide, Legislative Committee Chair for NCBFAA, attended a meeting organized by NCBFAA with US Customs Deputy Commissioner Robert Perez and many other CBP Commissioners to discuss various topics related to our industry. Topics included de minimis entry type 86, power of attorney vetting, the recent customs broker exam and the need for collaboration and direct communication between the forwarding, brokerage community and US Customs.  This is one way that JAS is keeping the clients’ interest in front of US Customs and any potential changes that may impact the industry!


On August 22nd, JAS USA Compliance held a seminar for importers with the emphasis on “Adapting Compliance Solutions in the Evolution of Constant Change.” Relevant topics were discussed such as duty drawback, tariff engineering, incoterms, trade agreements, antidumping/countervailing and more!

Contact your JAS Compliance Team for more information!


On March 27th, JAS USA Compliance conducted or first FREE webinar open to current and potential JAS Import Clients.  During this session, we discussed Section 232 & 301 tariffs and how it affects customs bonds, tariff exclusions and more!  Please find the link below to review all of the questions and answers that were discussed in the webinar session.  More webinars to come throughout the year!

Read the Q&A From the First Webinar

Recently, our very own Compliance Officer Laurie Arnold was “flying” high, as her and Compliance Specialist Scott Cassell did an onsite audit for a company with airplanes.  

Did you know that JAS Corporate Compliance offers internal auditing and other value added services?

​We offer the following services for clients that include but not limited to:  

  • Client On-site audit and periodic review services.
  • HTS, valuation, marking, ruling, and specialized commodity consulting.
  • Customs Compliance Training (Import & Export)
  • CTPAT Import & Export Guidance
  • Collaboration in the development and maintenance of Import & Export Compliance Manuals

For more information on any of these services, please contact your local JAS Representative today!

Contact Your Local JAS Representative

As of Monday March 20, 2018 JAS Forwarding (USA) is now assisting CBP and TSA on its initiative to provide enhanced security for air cargo coming into the United States.  The Air Cargo Advanced Screening (ACAS) initiative was created by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to gather data concerning the parties and commodities involved in air cargo prior to its loading on an aircraft at a foreign port. The initiative is currently in the pilot phase allowing CBP to collaborate with the air cargo industry to determine the most effective means of achieving the desired regulatory results without affecting the speed of air cargo operations.

Read More on ACAS Pilot Screenings

On February 12, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced in the Federal Register that the Global Business Identifier (GBI) Evaluative Proof of Concept (EPoC) will be extended to February 23, 2027. The test is also being expanded to include entries of merchandise classifiable under any subheading of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule and for merchandise of any country of origin. Previously, the test was limited to certain categories of merchandise from only 10 specific countries of origin. The purpose of the test is to evaluate a possible replacement for the Manufacturer Identification Code (MID). The MID is a code that is required to be submitted on all customs entries to identify the manufacturer or shipper involved. For the test, all or one of three alternative codes can be used to identify the manufacturer, shipper, and seller on entries. These alternatives are the nine (9)-digit Data Universal Numbering System (D–U–N–S®), thirteen (13)-digit Global Location Number (GLN), and/or twenty (20)-digit Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). All of these alternatives provide more detailed and specific information on the parties involved and would create greater visibility into supply chains.


The long negotiated United States initiative, the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework For Prosperity (IPEF), finally had one of its agreements enter into force on February 24, 2024. The Supply Chain Resilience Agreement was negotiated “to establish a framework for deeper collaboration to prevent, mitigate, and prepare for supply chain disruptions, such as those experienced in recent years from the COVID-19 pandemic”. The IPEF has 14 countries as participants - the United States, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The first step in implementation of this agreement will be the establishment of three bodies, the Supply Chain Council, Crisis Response Network, and Labor Rights Advisory Board, with a goal of “identifying and notifying partners of each country’s list of critical sectors and key goods for cooperation under the Agreement by no later than 120 days after the date of the entry into force for each country”.


Recently at the Logan Airport in Boston, a passenger who was returning from the Democratic Republic of Congo had a suspicious piece of baggage screened. The passenger advised the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Agriculture Officer on the scene that the baggage only contained dried fish. However, upon further inspection, the officer found four dead and dehydrated bodies of monkeys in the baggage. Minimally processed wild animal meat such as this is often referred to as “bushmeat”. Bushmeat can come from a variety of wild animals and can, therefore, carry numerous germs and viruses, such as Ebola, which can pose a significant heath risk. The bushmeat in this case, however, might not have been discovered if there was not another officer on the scene, CBP K9 Buddey! K9 Buddey is a part of one of the 180 canine teams that assist CBP officers at air passenger terminals, border crossings, cruise terminals and other locations. The CBP officer handlers and their canine partners undergo 10 to 13 weeks of intense training together before being deployed in the field. Beagles and beagle mixes are the preferred breed of dog for use as K9’s since beagles have a very keen sense of smell and have a gentle disposition towards the public. They are usually trained to alert handlers of contraband by sitting near or pawing at the offending baggage. Next time you see a K9 in action, salute them for their service, but hope that they do not come and sit down next to you…


The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) released its Export Enforcement Review for last year stating that 2023 was the year with the highest number ever of convictions, temporary denial orders and post-conviction denial orders. Some of the actions taken that the BIS highlighted were:

• Imposed the largest standalone administrative penalty in BIS history – a $300 million penalty related to the continued shipment of millions of hard disk drives to a sanctioned entity even after other competitors stopped shipping due to the foreign direct product rule.

• Obtained a guilty plea from a program administrator for a NASA contractor who secretly funneled sensitive aeronautics software to a Chinese University, which was on the Entity List for its involvement in developing Chinese military rocket systems and unmanned air vehicle systems.

• Imposed a $2.77 million penalty on a 3D printing company related to its sending export-controlled blueprints for aerospace and military electronics to China.

• Worked with the Department of Justice to bring eight separate indictments charging 14 people for their role in procuring items for the Russian military and Russian security service.

• In coordination with the Office of Foreign Assets Control, imposed a $3.3 million combined penalty against a major U.S. software firm for alleged and apparent violations of U.S. export controls and sanctions laws, including violations involving Russia, Cuba, Iran, and Syria.

BIS also emphasized the launch of the Disruptive Technology Strike Force with the Department of Justice “to protect U.S. advanced technologies from illegal acquisition and use by nation-state adversaries like Russia, China, and Iran. The Strike Force brings together experienced agents and prosecutors in fourteen locations across the country, supported by an interagency intelligence effort in Washington, D.C., to pursue investigations and take criminal and/or administrative enforcement action as appropriate”.


Wine aficionados and importers should take notice of the recently initiated Antidumping Duty (AD) and Countervailing Duty (CVD) investigations of “Certain Glass Wine Bottles”. The AD investigation covers wine bottles from Chile (Case # A-337-808), China (Case # A-570-162) and Mexico (Case # A-201-862), while the CVD investigation covers bottles from China only (Case# C-570-163). What is alarming is that the U.S. entities that filed the petition are claiming that the dumping margins, which would determine the amount of additional duties to be instituted if the petitions are approved, should be a whopping 610% from Chile, up to 301% from China and up to 97% from Mexico! Additional duties of that magnitude on wine bottles would certainly have an effect on the overall price of wine itself. All interested parties should diligently follow the course that these investigations take. The AD/CVD process can be very lengthy and with the claimed dumping margins being so high, the results could be dramatic.


In a notice published in the Federal Register on January 16, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced that it is amending the ACE Entry Type 86 Test to require filing of these entries prior to or upon arrival of the cargo. The Entry Type 86 is a test allowing the electronic filing of entries for low-value shipments meeting the requirements for admission under the administrative exemption in 19 U.S.C. 1321(a)(2)(C). The traditional entry time frame of permitting filing of an entry up to 15 days after arrival of the cargo was used initially for the Entry Type 86 test. However, CBP has determined that that time frame “has proven to be inconsistent with the expedited process envisioned for the ACE Entry Type 86 Test”, and this has led to enforcement challenges and various violations such as entry by parties without the right to make entry, incorrect manifesting of cargo, misclassification, and delivery of goods prior to release from CBP custody. The requirement to file Type 86 entries prior to or upon arrival of the cargo will go into effect on February 15, 2024.


The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) advised that 2023 was a record year for the interception of firearms at airport security checkpoints. A record 6,737 firearms were intercepted at airport checkpoints during 2023, with 93%, or close to 6,265 firearms, being loaded at the time of interception. Firearms are strictly prohibited in carry-on baggage. They are allowed in checked baggage, however, they must be unloaded and packed in a locked hard-sided case and the presence of the firearm must be declared at the check-in counter. Upon discovery of a firearm at a checkpoint, the TSA officer will contact local law enforcement, who will remove the passenger and the firearm from the checkpoint. The passenger involved could then be arrested or cited. In addition, the passenger will be liable for a fine of up to $15,000 for possesing the firearm at the checkpoint.

On a lighter note, or maybe not so lighter note, the TSA also published a list of the Top Ten prohibited items discovered in traveler’s carry-on baggage in Idaho airports in 2023. Among the top items were a hatchet, a Ninja throwing star, a crow bar, and a grenade-shaped bottle of hot sauce.. (pictures are below).


This month we launch a new feature of our monthly newsletter – JAS WANTS TO KNOW! - A short one question poll to receive our readers’ input and advice. Our poll this month is concerning compliance challenges. Click below to let us know!


Laurie Arnold, JAS Vice President of Compliance, and Leah Ellis, JAS Compliance Operations Manager, were on the move this month attending the National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association’s (NCBFAA) quarterly board meeting held in Los Angeles. Laurie serves as the Treasurer of the NCBFAA and Leah is the Legislative Committee Chair. During their time in Los Angeles, Laurie and Leah were also given an extensive tour of the Port of Los Angeles by invitation of the Los Angeles Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association.

See below for pictures of the tour.


While regular practitioners of tariff classification well know this, the World Customs Organization (WCO) recently issued a 30 page report, The Exploratory Study on a Possible Strategic Review of The Harmonized System, which concluded that the tariff classification process is a very complex system which requires a high level of skill to use appropriately. The purpose of the report was to explore the feasibility of possible structural changes to the system to improve the accuracy and consistency of the process and make it more “user-friendly”. One of the issues noted was that key words are often not defined in the tariff schedule or, if defined, the location of definitions can be hard to find. The complex nature of the process was illustrated by a discussion on how to classify a plastic covered textile, a truly difficult proposition. One interesting note was that the WCO did a survey and found that a majority of respondents do not really use or do not really understand how to use the General Rules of Interpretation, which are supposed to explain how to classify. Lets hope the report leads to some improvements.


In a Federal Register notice, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) announced that 77 COVID-related and 352 other Section 301 duty exclusions that were set to expire on December 31, 2023, will be extended for an additional 5 months through May 31, 2024. The Section 301 duties were imposed on various products from China to counter certain acts, policies and practices related to technology transfer, intellectual property and innovation. The USTR stated that the extension of the exclusions “will enable the orderly review of the exclusions consistent with statutory factors and objectives to identify in which cases additional time would enable shifts in sourcing to the United States or third countries”. The statutorily required four-year review of the Section 301 duties themselves is currently in process and the USTR further stated that this extension “will also facilitate the alignment of further decisions on these exclusions with the ongoing four-year review”.


Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is still welcoming importers of record and licensed customs brokers to participate in the Global Business Identifier (GBI) Evaluative Proof of Concept (EPoC). The GBI is a test to determine a potential replacement for the Manufacturer or Shipper Identification code (MID) currently required to be provided on entries filed with CBP. This new identifier could also be used for other entities involved in the entry process to obtain a “deeper insight into the legal structure of “who is who” across the spectrum of trade entities, and to understand more clearly ownership, affiliation, and parent-subsidiary relationship”. Participants in the EPoC can provide, at the time of entry filing, any of three entity identifiers associated with manufacturers, shippers, and sellers of merchandise covered by the entries. These identifiers are the nine (9) digit Data Universal Numbering System (D–U–N–S®), thirteen (13) digit Global Location Number (GLN), and twenty (20) digit Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). The test is limited to entry types 01 and 11, and to certain commodities and countries of origin. The limitations of the MID are well known in trade circles. Therefore, CBP is encouraging participation in this EPoC to facilitate the determination of a more robust replacement. If you would like to participate in this EPoC, contact compliance@jas.com.


A recent series of settlements in False Claims Act (FCA) cases and a large fine imposed by a California District court demonstrate the importance of complying with the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) importation regulations. FCA cases are filed by “whistleblowers”, on behalf of the United States, charging any person with making a false claim to the federal government. The whistleblower, called the relator, receives a portion of any agreed settlement.

In Georgia, an importer of tools will pay $1.9 million to settle FCA allegations that it was falsely labelling its tools as “made in Germany” when, in fact, the tools were made in China. The settlement states that tools manufactured in China were sent to Germany for some additional processing and were then commingled with tools that had no additional processing done in Germany. All the items were then claimed to be of German origin upon importation into the U.S., thus avoiding the payment of Section 301 duties of 25%  assessed on certain imports of Chinese origin.

In Texas, in another FCA settlement, an importer of industrial products, along with two Chinese companies and two individuals, agreed to pay $2.5 million to resolve allegations that they were undervaluing imported goods. Commercial invoices were submitted to CBP at time of entry for the items in question showing values that were lower than the actual values and agreed prices. Invoices showing the true higher values were then sent by the Chinese suppliers to the importer at a later time. This resulted in the loss of revenue for CBP in the form of underpaid customs duties and other fees.

Finally, in California, in another double-invoicing scheme, a clothing wholesale company was fined $4 million, ordered to pay $6,390,781 in restitution, and placed on probation for five years for undervaluing imported garments in a scheme to avoid paying millions of dollars in customs duties. In this case as well, a false lower valued commercial invoice was submitted to CBP at time of entry, and a true higher value invoice was then sent later to the importer by the Chinese supplier resulting in the underpayment of duties and fees.


On December 18, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the launch of the Cosmetics Direct electronic submission portal for registration and listing of cosmetic product facilities and products. Cosmetics Direct is dedicated exclusively to cosmetic product facility registration and cosmetic product listing electronic submissions mandated by the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA). FDA had advised previously that enforcement of these new requirements would be delayed to provide industry with sufficent time to submit the facility registration and product listing information. FDA will not be enforcing the requirements until July 1, 2024. However, the law is now in effect, and all facilities required to register and submit product listings should do so as soon as possible and well before the July 1 deadline.


Senators Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island introduced the bipartisan Customs Modernization Act of 2023 which would make significant changes to laws administered by Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Some of the key sections of the proposed bill include:

• Allowing CBP to access data prior to entry from parties throughout the supply chain. The importer of record could convert this pre-entry information into a certified entry filing. For any violation relating to the filing of the required pre-entry information by any party, CBP may impose a penalty of $5,000 for the first violation of these regulations and $10,000 for subsequent violations.

• At present, only ocean vessel manifest information must be publicly disclosed. The proposal would make it mandatory to also publicly disclose aircraft, truck and rail manifest information for the purpose, inter alia, of monitoring supply chains for illegal goods like fentanyl and those made with forced labor, combatting trade-based money laundering, and identifying unfair trade practices like dumping.

• Relaxing the seizure and forfeiture rules to allow for the summary forfeiture of certain IPR-infringing goods by CBP without having to go through the formal seizure/forfeiture process. This is to allow CBP the ability to seize and forfeit articles found violative in the de minimis realm in an expedited fashion.

• Specific penalties are enumerated for violations of the Section 321 de minimis provisions of up to $1,000 for the first violation and $2,000 for each subsequent violation.

• Under current law, CBP can penalize vessel masters, aircraft pilots, and persons in charge of a vehicle for failing to comply with reporting requirements like providing manifest information. However, much of this data is now transmitted electronically by other parties such as the air carrier. A new provision would clarify that “any person” reporting such information who knowingly provides incorrect information is liable for a civil penalty.

Senator Cassidy also advised that a bipartisan Trade Facilitation measure will be introduced in 2024 as well.


The Departments of the Treasury, Commerce, Justice, State and Homeland Security jointly published a Quint-Seal Compliance Note entitled “Know Your Cargo: Reinforcing Best Practices to Ensure the Safe and Compliant Transport of Goods in Maritime and Other Forms of Transportation”. The document provides information on potential indicators of efforts to evade sanctions and export controls, emphasizing the need to “know your cargo”. Also included are various examples of recent criminal and civil enforcement actions taken for violations of sanctions and export controls. With six government agencies being involved in the publication of this compliance note, all participants in the global transport of goods should review it in detail.


The United Kingdom (UK) announced that it will be implementing a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) by 2027, joining, among others, the European Union whose own CBAM entered its transitional phase in October with the first reporting period set to end on January 1, 2024. The UK CBAM will place a carbon price on some of the most emissions-intensive industrial goods imported to the UK from the aluminum, cement, ceramics, fertilizer, glass, hydrogen, iron and steel sectors, with the precise list to be provided sometime in 2024 after additional consultations. The liability applied by the CBAM will depend on the greenhouse gas emissions intensity of the imported good and the gap between the carbon price applied in the country of origin (if any) and the carbon price that would have been applied had the good been produced in the UK. CBAM liability will lie directly with the importer of imported products within the scope of the UK CBAM on the basis of emissions embodied in those goods. Further details will be provided in 2024 also after additional consultations. Exporters of products to the U.K., and to the European Union as well, will need to become familiar with these mechanisms, as their customers in these countries will be needing detailed information on the greenhouse gas emissions intensity of the products they import.


The New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a caucus of nearly 100 members of the House of Representatives, recently issued a letter to the President outlining a list of their  legislative priorities, one of which stated “Advance equity in trade policy by considering solutions to reduce gender bias and regressivity of the tariff system, in consultation with Congress”. Now, it may seem a stretch to claim that something like the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, a legalistic, inanimate document for the classification of imported products, could be biased towards a particular gender. However, after further examination, it seems that the NDC is correct, and the tariff may be somewhat biased towards women. A study performed by the International Trade Commission entitled “Gender and Income Inequality in United States Tariff Burden” discovered, “Across genders, we find large differences in tariff burden…The gender gap exists because spending on women’s apparel is higher than on men’s and because the average applied tariff rate on women’s clothing is higher than on men’s”. The study found “the average applied tariff rate for women’s apparel was 14.9%, but it was only 12.0% on men’s apparel. It was also noted that “the gender difference in applied tariff rates is mostly attributed to the sourcing of imports as a much greater share of men’s apparel than women’s apparel comes from U.S. Free Trade Agreement partners”. Perhaps some adjustments in the tariff are in order.


In a recent Federal Register notice, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing the prohibition of the manufacture, importation, processing, or distribution in commerce of Trichloroethylene (TCE). TCE is widely used as a solvent in a variety of industrial, commercial and consumer applications including for hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) production, vapor and aerosol degreasing, and in lubricants, greases, adhesives, and sealants. In the proposed rule, EPA lists numerous and diverse industries that would be affected by this proposal. Comments on the proposal are due by December 15, 2023. Importers of products containing TCE should review this proposal and submit any comments deemed necessary.


The annual eligibility review for the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), in accordance with Section 506A(a)(3)(B) of the Trade Act of 1974, has resulted in the termination of eligibility for the Central African Republic, Gabon, Niger, and Uganda. The White House and the Office of the United States Trade Representative announced that recent unconstitutional changes in government in Gabon and Niger, and the resultant threat to political pluralism and the rule of law, led to their termination. The termination of the eligibility of the Central African Republic and Uganda was a result of gross violations of internationally recognized human and worker rights. On a positive note, the country of Mauritania had its eligibility reinstated based on progress it has made with respect to worker rights and eliminating forced labor across the country. Ethiopia, however, did not have its eligibility reinstated at this time. Recently, there have been a lot of discussions in Congress about the need to renew AGOA well in advance of its current September 2025 expiration date, to ensure the continuity of the program and encourage long term investment in the region.


Customs and Border Protection (CBP) published a new guide entitled “TIPS FOR FILING AN HFC IMPORT IN ACE” to assist the import community with filing obligations related to imports of bulk hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) under the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also announced in November that allocations for the import of HFC’s will be reduced to 60% of the stipulated baseline levels in January 2024. Importers of HFCs should consult this new guide as filing requirements for HFC’s can be complicated. CBP will advise in early January via the Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS) when the new requirements will be operative in ACE.


The protracted quest of Mr. Byungmin Chae to have his 2018 Customs Broker License Examination results changed to a passing grade came to an end when the Supreme Court denied his petition for a writ of certiorari in October. Mr. Chae’s case, if nothing else, proved he possesses ample persistence and determination. The court filing states that his original score on the April 2018 exam was 65%, with 75% or higher being needed for a passing grade. He filed a timely appeal to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) requesting that his answers to 13 of the questions originally marked wrong be deemed correct. Subsequent to his appeal, CBP announced that all test takers would be given credit for 3 particular questions, 2 of which Mr. Chae had been marked wrong on originally. This raised his score to 67.5%. CBP then denied his appeal request for the other 11 questions. Mr. Chae then appealed this decision to the Office of Trade. The Office of Trade granted his appeal for 3 of the questions, raising his score to 71.25%, but still short of a passing grade. Undaunted, Mr. Chae proceeded to file a petition with the Court of International Trade (CIT) as allowed by the regulations.

The CIT gave him credit for one more of the contested questions, raising his total of correct answers to 58 of the 60 he would need for a passing grade. Still undaunted, Mr. Chae filed an appeal of the CIT decision to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit asking for 3 questions to be further reviewed. The Appeals Court gave him credit for one of the questions, raising his correct answer total to 59 of the 60 needed. However, the Supreme Court denial of his certiorari request ended the appeals process, terminating his case and giving new meaning to the phrase “so close, yet so far…”.


A rule proposed December 28, 2022, by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to significantly expand the species covered under the Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIMP) was withdrawn on November 16. The additional species to be added to the SIMP, along with a change stating that the importer of record on the customs filing must also be the party that holds the required  International Fisheries Trade Permit, had caused concern in the trade community leading to a significant number of comments being filed with NMFS concerning the proposed rule. The NMFS advised that they will now conduct a comprehensive SIMP review to determine any future action to be taken in order to strengthen the impact and effectiveness of SIMP.


In a recent Cargo Systems Messaging Service message, CBP provided a list of the countries that are members of the European Union and who, therefore, use the Euro as their domestic and international trade currency. It was further stated, “Therefore, all invoices, other documents, and entry transmissions from these countries must show EUR for the foreign value or as their currency code”. CBP is updating its records to reflect the Euro as the appropriate currency for all countries listed.

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