News & Insights from JAS Worldwide Compliance

JAS Forwarding (USA), Inc.

6165 Barfield Road
Atlanta GA, 30328
United States
Tel: +1 (770)688-1206
Fax: +1 (770)688-1229

June 2020

Section 301 Tariffs - 13th Round of Product Exclusions
June 3, 2020

On May 8, 2020, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced the decision to grant the 13th round of certain requested exclusions from the Section 301 duty related to goods from China.  The product exclusions announced in this notice retroactively apply as of the September 24, 2018 effective date and will extend through August 7, 2020.

Read the Entire Article
New AD/CV Duties Possible on Tires from Four Countries
June 3, 2020

A petition was filed May 13th that passenger vehicles and light truck tires from Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam are being sold at less than fair value in the U.S. market and that such tires from Vietnam are benefiting from countervailing subsidies. The average dumping margins are 42.95 to 195.20 percent for Korea, 105 to 147 percent for Taiwan, 106.4 to 217.5 percent for Thailand, and 14.73 to 33.06 for Vietnam.

Read the Full Petition
Information on Deployment of New Electronic Vessel Manifest Confidentiality Online Application
June 3, 2020

On May 22, 2020, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will deploy an automated online application for submitting electronic vessel manifest confidentiality requirements. This enhancement will enable ocean carriers, importers, exporters, and consignees utilizing ocean transportation to manage their own confidentiality requests electronically via the online application, located on CBP.gov.

For More Information and to Access the New Online Application
100+ Fun Things to do at Home!
June 3, 2020

As the world reacts to the COVID-19 pandemic, people across the planet are adjusting to a new norm, staying home, quarantining, and practicing social distancing as an effort to slow the spread.  Though staying home is necessary, there are a lot of fun family friendly activities that you can do!  

Click HERE to read the article published by Travel & Leisure of 100+ fun things that can be done for family bonding while enjoying your summer!

FDA Continues to Combat Fraudulent Covid-19 Medical Products
June 3, 2020

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration provided an update on the agency’s efforts to combat the extremely concerning actions by companies and individuals that are exploiting or taking advantage of widespread fear among consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to scammers on the internet selling unproven medical products, the FDA has taken – and continues to take – a number of steps to find and stop those selling unapproved products that fraudulently claim to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose or cure COVID-19.  

The FDA has issued 42 warning letters to companies making bogus claims and encourages anyone aware of suspected fraudulent medical products for COVID-19 to report it.

Read the Entire Article
Need help with FDA question on specific products?
June 2, 2020

Registrar Corp’s Regulatory Advisors are available 24-hours a day seven days a week to assist with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations. They have a live chat that is managed by global staff to help assist with questions regarding labeling requirements, FDA registration, detained shipments and more.  

Please visit their website for further information!

United States - Hong Kong Policy Act
June 2, 2020

President Trump announced on May 29th a policy change that will impact the imports and exports to Hong Kong.  The president cited two specific actions.  One action is to revoke the U.S. treatment of Hong Kong as a separate customs territory and the 2nd is to modify its controls on exports of dual-use technologies to Hong Kong.  The announcement also included other changes that affect travel, visas, university research, and more.

Read the Entire Article
Webinars & Events June 2020
June 2, 2020

Customs Broker Exam Virtual Prep Course

Date:  July 27, 2020 – September 24, 2020

Location:  Virtual

This course will prepare attendees to take the customs broker examination. The course will cover topics including broker regulations, entry, classification, valuation, free trade agreements, antidumping/countervailing duty, fines, penalties and forfeitures, bonds, country of origin marking, liquidation, search and seizure, intellectual property, and other topics covered on the exam.


GTEC 2020

The Show Must Go On(line)!!!

Date:  August 3-4th, 2020

Location:  Virtual

The NCBFAA Educational Institute invites all global logistics professionals to its 6th Annual Global Trade Educational Conference (G·TEC). This two-day event will be held online and  that will give customs brokers, freight forwarders, NVOCCs, OTI, service providers, importers, exporters and all global logistics professionals an opportunity to update themselves on industry developments and connect with colleagues new and old.


JAS Compliance is on the Move
June 2, 2020

Compliance Can be Compliant but FUN!  

​​JAS USA Compliance is a group of special people that focus on enforcing government rules and regulations; however, we know how to let our hair down!  As we all try to find how to adjust to a “new norm” we do make it a priority to relax and take advantage of opportunities to enjoy ourselves!  Every Thursday evenings the JAS USA Compliance team meet virtually for Happy Hour!  It’s 5 o’clock somewhere!  CHEERS!


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