News & Insights from JAS Worldwide Compliance

JAS Forwarding (USA), Inc.

6165 Barfield Road
Atlanta GA, 30328
United States
Tel: +1 (770)688-1206
Fax: +1 (770)688-1229

October 2022

Did You Know? Haunting Halloween Facts!
October 3, 2022
Festive Jack-'O-Lanterns on a window sill

Trick-or-Treat! Here are some fun facts to share with the family while you hunt for the best pumpkin in the patch.

• Halloween is the second largest commercial holiday in the US, right under Christmas.

• Americans are expected to spend over $3 billion on costumes for Halloween in 2022.

• Another $3 billion will be spent on candy alone

• Think you can carve fast? The fastest pumpkin carving of a complete Jack O’ Lantern face according to Guinness World Records is 16.47 seconds. Beat that!

• The average pumpkin has about 500 seeds.

• Pumpkin seeds make a terrific snack! Click the button below for a simple toasted pumpkin seeds recipe that you can make with your family!

Section 301 Refund Requests Return Millions
October 3, 2022
Contact Us Button

JAS Forwarding USA Inc. has been hard at work processing refund requests for the section 301 exclusion 9903.88.67 issued in March 2022 retroactive back to October 2021.  This exclusion is applicable to items falling within the descriptions of the HTS for each individual HTS.  Eligible items can receive a full refund plus interest of section 301 duties paid on entries from October 12, 2022.  The exclusion is valid through the end of this year.  So far JAS Forwarding USA Inc. has processed refund requests for clients totaling over $10 million dollars!  Do you have any entries that might be eligible?  Contact us today and let’s explore!

Email us at Compliance@jas.com

Correction on Forms Courtesy Notice
October 3, 2022
Correction under magnifying glass

In a recent update, CBP has clarified the information sent in CSMS # 52984467 regarding courtesy copies of certain CBP forms, which was announced in our previous newsletter (read the original here). This correction states the filer will receive a courtesy copy of all forms in which they are the filer regardless if the importer has an ACE account or not.

CSMS Clarification
Section 301 Tariffs to Continue
October 3, 2022
Reviewing Section 301

In May of this year, the USTR notified representatives of domestic industries that benefit from the Section 301 Tariffs that the tariffs were set to expire, but the statute allows for comments on the continuation of the tariffs. On September 2nd, USTR announced that due to the requests for continuation, the Section 301 tariffs will not expire as scheduled. Moving forward, USTR will perform a review of the tariff actions and release further information to the public on the next steps for the four-year review.

Formal Notice of Continuation
JAS on the Move – Government Affairs Conference
October 3, 2022
Laurie Arnold (VP Compliance), and Leah Ellis (Compliance Operations Manager) posing with their awards

From September 18th-20th, Laurie Arnold, VP Compliance and Leah Ellis, Compliance Operations Manager, attended NCBFAA’s annual Government Affairs Conference (GAC) in Washington, DC. There they met with several Congressional members to discuss international trade industry issues. They also worked on the Seafood Import Monitoring Program bill (SIMP), the Customs Business Fairness Act and the new Customs Modernization Update. Laurie and Leah also received awards for their hard work and dedication for their past year’s efforts as the legislative and PAC committee chairs.

JAS Compliance - On the Move with a Mission
October 3, 2022
Pictured L-R: Joshua Foster-DFW Transportation Security Inspector (TSI), Brad Foster-DFW TSI, Nicholas Rubin-GK9 handler, James Bates-DFW TSI, Margaret Christian-JAS Corporate TSA Alternate Security Coordinator, Sommer Sampson-JAS Corporate TSA Primary Security Coordinator, Michael Scholz-DFW Gateway Manager, Jeanette Dilone-DFW Export Manager

Over the past few months, Sommer Sampson (TSA IACSC) & Margaret Christian (TSA A-IACSC) have been traveling to help implement additional screening facilities to new and current JAS locations.  

Air cargo screening demands continue to be on the rise since the ICAO 100% Screening Mandate of all outbound Air Cargo in 2021.  To enhance customer demands, JAS TSA Compliance successfully rolled out 3 new Certified Cargo Screening Facilities (CCSF’s), with 2 more additional openings being planned for the near future.  These new facilities (located in Houston, Chicago, and Los Angeles) will add flexibility and increased options for our customers during the ever-increasing challenges that the industry continues to navigate. JAS longtime partner, Global K9 Protection Group (GK9PG) helps to make this happen by using canine as the primary screening method. JAS is also one of the few Indirect Air Carriers (IACs) approved to accept and handle Impracticable to Screen (ITS) cargo, giving us even more flexibility in our offerings to customers.

While heightened screening demands continue to challenge the industry, JAS is confident and ready due to our (now) 8 CCSF locations, multiple methods of screening, and years of experience in the Certified Cargo Screening Program (CCSP).  If you would like to learn more please contact compliance@jas.com


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