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Atlanta GA, 30328
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Roll up your sleeves and get your garden ready for Summer on April 14, as it is National Gardening Day. Gardening is a fun and relaxing hobby enjoyed by many, and this is the perfect day for those who have been wanting to take up gardening to finally gather their tools and seeds and get their hands dirty. National Gardening Day happens at the height of Spring, so it is the perfect day to start growing your flowers, vegetables, herbs, and fruits, so they are ready to be enjoyed in the Summer. Even if you don't have a garden, you can still exercise your green fingers on houseplants, and bring the outside in. Happy Spring!!
Developing an Export Compliance Program
Date: April 27, 2017
Location: Portsmouth, NH
Developing and maintaining an export compliance program is highly recommended to ensure that export transactions comply with the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), and to prevent export control violations. This one-day workshop provides an overview of the steps a company may take to implement an internal Export Compliance Program.
Georgia Logistics Summit
Date: May 16 – 17, 2017
Location: Atlanta, GA
The Georgia Logistics Summit is an event that brings more than 1500 logistics professionals to learn best practices and connect with industry decision makers. Registration is now open!
Complying with U.S. Export Controls
Date: June 8-9, 2017
Location: Seattle, Washington
This two-day program is led by BIS's professional counselling staff and provides an in-depth examination of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The program will cover the information exporters need to know to comply with U.S. export control requirements on commercial goods.
The 11th Annual Export Control Forum
Date: April 20-21, 2016Location: Burlingame, CAThe Export Control Forum is a one-and-a-half day program dedicated to bringing the business community up-to-speed on the latest initiatives underway in the export control field, including the latest developments in the Export Control Reform initiative.
Registration is open for G-TEC!
Date: August 8-9, 2016Location: Atlanta, GAThe NCBFAA Educational Institute is proud to invite all global logistics professionals to the Second Annual Global Trade Educational Conference (G·TEC). This two-day event during beautiful summertime in Atlanta, GA will give customs brokers, freight forwarders, NVOCCs, OTI, service providers, importers, exporters and all global logistics professionals an opportunity to update themselves on industry developments and connect with colleagues new and old. The JAS Compliance Team will be in attendance! Be sure to stop by and say hello!
The Senate recently passed a bill aiming at those who steal trade secrets from other businesses. The measure will also allow people and businesses whose trade secrets are stolen to sue for damages in federal court, just as those who have other kinds of intellectual property misappropriated, such as patents and trademarks. The legislation will also permit a court to order the seizure of property if it will protect trade secrets. Trade secret theft costs more than $300 billion a year for the U.S. economy.
"Supporters of the legislation say that in the digital world, trade secrets are far more vulnerable than when business plans or a secret formula were locked in the office safe. Businesses use electronic means to share secrets with far-flung business partners, but that can put enormous amounts of information at risk if it's downloaded from a computer or the cloud," stated an article by the U.S. News.
Why are Harbor Maintenance Fees paid to US Customs?
In the 1980s, the Harbor Maintenance Tax (today known as Harbor Maintenance Fees) were enacted by Congress to recover a portion of the cost of maintaining the nation’s deep draft navigation channels. The fee became effective April 11, 1987 and has been assessed on port use associated with imports, exports and movement of cargo and passengers between domestic ports. HMF duties are assessed on ocean import entries.
Lithium batteries have been the preferred energy source to power a wide variety of consumer goods. Although they are widely used, most people are not aware that lithium batteries are dangerous goods and post a risk with transportation regulations. As of April 1, 2016, The ICAO Air Navigation Commission prohibits shipping lithium ion batteries as cargo on passenger aircrafts.
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