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Assessoria ao cliente JAS: Planejamento antecipado para o Ano Novo Chinês e o Carnaval de 2024

JAS Brazil Staff
January 8, 2024
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ao entrarmos em 2024, é fundamental que as empresas estejam cientes de dois feriados que podem afetar as operações. Dois grandes eventos, o Ano Novo Chinês e o Carnaval, estão programados para coincidir, afetando as cadeias de suprimentos em todo o mundo.  
O Ano Novo Chinês, um feriado tradicional chinês que marca o início de um novo ano no calendário lunar chinês, começa em 10 de fevereiro e é observado em muitos países asiáticos. Durante essa semana, fábricas e empresas fecharão, pois o feriado traz uma semana de folga para os funcionários viajarem e comemorarem o início de um novo ano com suas famílias. No entanto, espera-se que a desaceleração das fábricas ocorra no início ou em meados de janeiro, com a retomada das operações normais no final de fevereiro.  
Simultaneamente, o festival de Carnaval estará em pleno andamento, especialmente no Brasil, onde as festividades ocorrerão de 9 a 17 de fevereiro. Assim como no Ano Novo Chinês, as consequências das comemorações podem ser sentidas em todas as cadeias de suprimentos no Brasil e no exterior, pois muitos fabricantes e fornecedores reduzirão as horas de trabalho ou interromperão as atividades, já que os funcionários tirarão folga para comemorar.  
Com duas grandes economias, a China e o Brasil, comemorando feriados importantes simultaneamente, é fundamental que as empresas planejem e se preparem adequadamente, pois a sobreposição dessas festividades deverá impactar as cadeias de suprimentos globais.  
Para mitigar efetivamente o impacto dessas comemorações em sua cadeia de suprimentos, recomendamos as seguintes medidas proativas:

  • Planeje com antecedência: Antecipe o aumento da demanda por serviços de logística e planeje as remessas com bastante antecedência para reduzir possíveis atrasos. Para evitar interrupções desnecessárias e aumentos de preços, é recomendável fazer as reservas com bastante antecedência, de preferência quatro a seis semanas antes do Ano Novo Chinês.  
  • Diversifique as rotas e os métodos de remessa: Explore rotas de remessa alternativas para evitar congestionamentos e possíveis interrupções nas rotas tradicionais. Além disso, considere o uso de várias formas de transporte caso um método sofra interrupções durante esse período.  
  • Ajuste os cronogramas: Seja flexível com as programações de produção e entrega para acomodar a desaceleração temporária das operações durante os feriados.
  • Mantenha-se informado: Monitore regularmente as atualizações e avisos de autoridades relevantes e fontes do setor para se manter informado sobre quaisquer mudanças ou desenvolvimentos que possam afetar as operações.  

A ocorrência simultânea do Ano Novo Chinês e do Carnaval este ano ressalta a importância de medidas proativas e de uma abordagem bem coordenada. Ao integrar esses insights à sua estratégia de planejamento, as empresas podem garantir uma transição mais tranquila durante esse período e manter a eficiência operacional. Para obter mais informações, entre em contato com o escritório local ou com o representante da JAS.

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JAS team members around the world celebrated Earth Month.

JAS team members worldwide celebrated Earth Month through various activities aimed at promoting sustainability and conservation. From beach cleanups to tree planting, each activity reflected JAS's dedication to making a positive difference in local communities and beyond. 

In Germany, China, and Panama, JAS team members joined forces to plant over 1,300 trees. In Germany's Lower Saxony, to promote ecological resilience, employees chose a diverse range of tree species that they knew would thrive in the local climate and soil conditions. Similarly, in Xiamen, China, the JAS branch organized a poignant tree planting event aimed at enriching urban greenery and enhancing the cityscape, reflecting the team's commitment to sustainable development. Meanwhile, in Panama, JAS Panama collaborated with local organizations to plant native trees within the Camino de Cruces National Park, a vital initiative aimed at restoring habitats and preserving the region's rich biodiversity. 

Simultaneously, in Taiwan, the Netherlands, Lithuania, and Sweden, JAS team members united their efforts as they cleaned up costal shorelines and forests, embodying their shared commitment to environmental preservation. With gloves on and bags in hand, they combed the beaches, collecting everything from plastic bottles to cigarette butts, restoring the natural beauty of the their local communities. 

In Brazil, JAS team members partnered with the NGO Iracambi, and headed into the Atlantic rainforest to engage in various volunteer activities aimed at preserving this vital ecosystem. Through hands-on experiences like tree planting for reforestation and participating in educational workshops on sustainable practices, the Brazil team demonstrated their commitment to protecting biodiversity and promoting environmental awareness. 

Andrea Goeman, Senior Vice President of QHSE & Sustainability, commented, "From tree planting to coastal cleanups, our collective actions reflect our dedication to making a real and tangible difference in the communities we serve. Through collaboration and shared responsibility, our teams contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future for generations to come." 

As Earth Month ends, JAS Worldwide stands proud of the collective efforts made by our global team to champion environmental stewardship. From tree planting endeavors in Germany, China, and Panama to coastal cleanups in Taiwan, Netherlands, and Sweden, and conservation efforts in Brazil's Atlantic rainforest, each initiative underscores our commitment to safeguarding the planet for future generations. These efforts exemplify the spirit of collaboration and shared responsibility that defines JAS, inspiring us to continue our journey towards a more sustainable world. Together, we are paving the way for a greener, cleaner tomorrow. 

By combining efficiency with eco-friendly practices, JAS ECONTAINER not only reduces environmental impact but also offers cost savings and operational efficiencies, driving meaningful change in the industry and paving the way for a greener future, one shipment at a time.

At JAS, sustainability is a journey we're deeply committed to, and Earth Month serves as an ideal moment to shine a spotlight on initiatives that embody this commitment. One initiative that continues to drive positive change is JAS ECONTAINER, our innovative ocean freight solution designed to enhance operational efficiency while reducing environmental impact. 

Redefining Ocean Freight with JAS ECONTAINER 

JAS ECONTAINER combines the efficiency of headload shipments with eco-friendly practices. This approach has been at the forefront of our efforts for some time now, as highlighted by Vice President, Global Head of LCL, Peter Sinka. 

"In our ongoing journey towards sustainability, JAS ECONTAINER stands as a testament to our commitment to environmental responsibility," says Sinka. "By encouraging frequent replenishment and eliminating the pressure to fill containers to capacity, JAS ECONTAINER helps shippers reduce inventory costs, optimize warehouse space, and mitigate supply chain disruptions." 

The Environmental Imperative 

JAS ECONTAINER isn't just about operational efficiency—it's about driving meaningful change in the industry. Sinka emphasizes the product's positive environmental impact, citing its adoption of Marine Biofuel programs through insetting to achieve a net-zero carbon footprint. 

"Our goal was to create a product that not only meets modern supply chain challenges but also aligns with our commitment to sustainability," Sinka explains. "By choosing JAS ECONTAINER, shippers not only benefit from cost savings and operational efficiencies but also contribute to a greener, more sustainable future." 

A Competitive Edge 

Beyond its environmental benefits, JAS ECONTAINER offers a competitive edge in the market. Sinka notes that the product bridges the gap between traditional LCL and FCL offerings, providing cost-effective solutions for shipments ranging from 20 to 50 CBM. 

"Traditionally, LCL shipments face competitiveness challenges beyond a certain volume threshold," Sinka observes. "JAS ECONTAINER's pricing methodology ensures cost-effectiveness even for larger shipments, making it a preferred choice for shippers seeking optimal value and sustainability." 

Embracing a Greener Future 

As businesses worldwide prioritize sustainability and operational efficiency, JAS ECONTAINER emerges as a catalyst for positive change. Its flat-rate pricing model, strategic consolidation strategies, and eco-friendly initiatives not only drive cost savings but also empower shippers to make environmentally conscious choices. 

"In a world where sustainability and efficiency go hand in hand, JAS ECONTAINER offers a compelling solution," Sinka concludes. "We invite businesses to join us in embracing a greener future—one shipment at a time." 

Breaking ground for a sustainable future: JAS Middle East embarks on a new journey with the groundbreaking ceremony for their state-of-the-art 'Build to Suit' Logistics Hub in Dubai South

JAS Middle East recently broke ground on an innovative 'Build to Suit' Logistics Hub in Dubai South.  

This state-of-the-art facility will boast a unique blend of cutting-edge technology and environmental consciousness, aligning with JAS’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals. Spanning a land plot of 212,160 square feet and a built-up area of 127,300 square feet, the ESG-compliant hub will be designed to tailor to specific logistic needs and prioritize eco-friendly practices. 

In addition to its functional aspects, the property will incorporate other sustainability measures such as the installation of solar panels on its roof—allowing JAS Middle East to achieve ESG credentials. These panels will not only offset monthly utility costs but will help JAS Middle East increase its independence from the national grid (DEWA).  

The office space within the hub, spanning 13,347 square feet over two floors, will offer modern amenities such as meeting rooms, open-plan working areas, and recreational spaces, ensuring a conducive environment for employees and clients. 

“This project represents a significant milestone for JAS Middle East and its esteemed customers,” says Erwin Wittemaier, Area VP for the Middle East, “This strategic investment underscores our commitment to our customers and the UAE market. We look forward to deploying new technology to provide best-in-class logistics solutions.” 

With the exciting groundbreaking of the Dubai Logistics Hub, JAS Middle East not only strengthens its position in the logistics sector but also sets a standard for sustainable infrastructure development in the region. 

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